On Monday, 29 February 2016 at 14:50:51 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I am trying to check relative path on Linux for exists.

import std.stdio;
import std.path;
import std.file;
import std.string;

string mypath = "~/Documents/imgs";

void main()
                writeln(mypath, " do not exists");            

                writeln(mypath, " do not exists");            

                writeln("Dir exists");


~/Documents/imgs always return "do not exists". But full path: "/home/dima/Documents/imgs" is "Dir exists".

Why? It's same paths!

~ is expanded by your shell. It is not a relative path, and system calls do not recognize it (same with environmental variables).

See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3616595/why-mkdir-fails-to-work-with-tilde

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