On 01.03.2016 22:30, Tamas wrote:
     struct Tag {}

     template isTagged(S) {
       enum bool isTagged =
         delegate() {
           foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes, S)) {
             static if (is(attr == Tag)) {
               return true;
           return false;

This is off topic, but you can use std.meta.staticIndexOf to check if something is in an alias seq:

template isTagged(S) {
    import std.meta: staticIndexOf;
    enum bool isTagged =
        staticIndexOf!(Tag, __traits(getAttributes, S)) >= 0;

And for UDAs in particular there is std.traits.hasUDA:

template isTagged(S) {
    import std.traits: hasUDA;
    enum bool isTagged = hasUDA!(S, Tag);

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