I figured out what I wanted. Thanks for your answer Mike, sorry to bother you though.

Here's the result:

void RenderText( FontBMP font, int x, int y, const char* text, ... )
        SDL_Rect rect1, rect2;
        rect2.x = x;
        rect2.y = y;
        rect2.w = font.width;
        rect2.h = font.height;
        rect1.w = font.width;
        rect1.h = font.height;

        char[256] buff;
        va_list ap;
        va_start( ap, text );
        sprintf( buff.ptr, text, ap );
        va_end( ap );

        for( int r=0; buff[r]!='\0'; ++r )
                char letter = buff[r];
                rect1.x = font.width*(letter%font.horizontal_count);
                rect1.y = font.height*(letter/font.horizontal_count);
if( letter>=33 ) SDL_RenderCopy( g_renderer, font.texture, &rect1, &rect2 );
                rect2.x += font.spacing_x;
                if( letter==10 )
                        rect2.x = x;
                        rect2.y += font.spacing_y;

Since the "string" is built by sprintf, it'll be null-terminated.

Sorry for posting without doing more research. I didn't realise I could use va_start/va_end just like in C.

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