
I'm currently reading "Programming in D" and in order to get accustomed to D and it's syntax, I've decided to implement (actually port) a simple (and naive) Scheme interpreter from C to D. The original interpreter (in C) is described in a series of posts here:


I've followed the tutorials and implemented various versions of the interpreter in different languages, and now I've decided to make a port to D. My source code resides in:


The basic object in my (naive, I repeat again) implementation, is the following:

alias Object = Algebraic!(
   long      , /* numbers   */
   bool      , /* #t or #f  */
   char      , /* characters*/
   string    , /* symbols   */
   char[]    , /* strings   */
   EmptyList , /* Nil       */
   ConsCell  ,
   void function(This*, This*), /* primitive procedures */
   CompoundProc);               /* compound procedures  */

where the following type definitions hold:

struct EmptyList {}

class ConsCell {
    Object car;
    Object cdr;

    this(Object car, Object cdr)
        this.car = car;
        this.cdr = cdr;

So, I have the following questions:

* For this kind of implementation, is the Algebraic type a good choice ? Is a simple union perhaps better ? * I've defined the (recursive) Fibonacci function, for which DMD takes 30sec to calculate Fibonacci(30) and LDC takes 10sec. Is this a reasonable difference between the two compilers? * I find it very difficult (actually impossible) to profile code in Mac OS X. There is no output for options -profile. Are there any other profiling/debugging tools for the Mac OS X ? My other ports (C++, Scala) run interpret the same example in under 2sec, so I would like to detect where my bottlenecks are.


ps: Any advice to make my code "better" (and more D-compliant) are appreciated.

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