On Friday, March 18, 2016 23:48:32 tsbockman via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> I'm basically saying, "because information is lost when casting
> between signed and unsigned, all such casts should be explicit".

See. Here's the fundamental disagreement. _No_ information is lost when
converting between signed and unsigned integers. e.g.

    int i = -1;
    uint ui = i;
    int j = i;
    assert(j == -1);

But even if you convinced us, you'd have to convince Walter. And based on
previously discussions on this subject, I think that you have an _extremely_
low chance of that. He doesn't even think that there's a problem that

void foo(bool bar) {}
void foo(long bar) {}

resulted in call to the bool overload was a problem when pretty much
everyone else did. The only thing that I'm aware of that Walter has thought
_might_ be something that we should change is allowing the comparison
between signed and unsigned integers, and if you read what he says in the
bug report for it, he clearly doesn't think it's a big problem:


And that's something that clearly causes bugs in way that converting between
signed and unsigned integers does not. You're fighting for a lost cause on
this one.

- Jonathan M Davis

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