On 2016-03-23 16:17, Ozan wrote:

If I want to use a class or a function in a shared library, it is
necessary to use funny names like

Is it possible to get a list of all the names in shared library? What is
the schema behind these names? Is there a listing for "D7", "10",
"FZC7", "7" and so on?

Not exactly sure what you need. But it's possible to get all classes at runtime like this [1].

For functions, there's really no pretty way to do that. You can either implement runtime reflection using compile time reflection, which will most likely require you to modify the code you want to inspect. Or you can inspect the symbol table in the binary/shared library, which is a bit complicated and platform dependent.

[1] https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/druntime/blob/master/src/object.d#L973

/Jacob Carlborg

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