On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 16:03:13 UTC, Edwin van Leeuwen wrote:
On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 11:39:13 UTC, arturg wrote:
isnt alias this supposed to do this implicitly?

convert this
auto jsValue = JSONValue(new MyClass());

into this
auto jsValue = JSONValue((new MyClass())._data);

Good point, I did not catch that. That indeed should work and seems to be a bug. Does it work if _data is a base type (string or int, etc..)

Thanks for the answers. I also wonder why alias this does not the job. Unfortunatelly even if it works, the _data is not the data I want to be used as value for JSONValue. _data only contains keys, the values are stored
in another variable. JSONValue should contain both.

I hoped there is some operator overloading for implicit conversion of my
class to JSONValue.
I solved the issue with an toJSON method and a generic functionality which
checks for this method.

Kind regards

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