On Tuesday, 29 March 2016 at 10:13:28 UTC, Puming wrote:

I'm writing a generic class:


struct Message { ... }

class Decoder(MsgSrc) {

When using it, I'd have to include the type of its argument:

void main() {
   Message[] src = ...;

   auto decoder = new Decoder!(Message[])(src);


Can it be inferred so that I only need to write?

auto decoder = new Decoder(src); // you can infer the type from src.

Nope. To see why, consider a class like this:

class A(T) {
  T data;
  this(int n) {

void main() {
   auto a = new A(3); // What is T?

The common solution is a simple 'create' function:

Decoder!T decoder(T)(T msg) {
    return new Decoder!T(msg);


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