On Tuesday, 5 April 2016 at 19:19:10 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 05.04.2016 20:44, Thalamus wrote:

Aside: D has syntax for "// For wchar_t.": `import core.stdc.stddef: wchar_t;`.


wchar_t is not wchar. wstring is not (portably) compatible with a wchar_t array.

If you actually have a wchar_t* and you want a wstring as opposed to a wchar_t[], then you will potentially have to do some converting.

If you have a wchar*, then don't use wcslen, as that's defined in terms of wchar_t. There may be some function for finding the first null wchar from a wchar*, but I don't know it, and writing out a loop isn't exactly hard:

wstring toWstring(const(wchar)* value)
    if (value is null) return null;
    auto cursor = value;
    while (*cursor != 0) ++cursor;
    return value[0 .. cursor - value].dup;

Thank you for the feedback. You are correct.

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