I have a project which is a mixture of D, C++ and C. I have used Make for build automation so far but would like to migrate to DUB.

I have hard time figuring out what to do with C / C++ sections of the program. DUB seems to ignore (probably sensibly) everything but D source files. I compiled a static library of the non-D sections of my program, and now I'd need to tell DUB to include the library in the linking stage.

I tried to use "linkerFiles" argument in dub.json but that doesn't seem to do anything.

Here's the full dub.json:

    "name": "audio_test",
    "description": "audio test.",
    "copyright": "",
    "authors": [""],
    "dependencies": {
"derelict-imgui": {"version":"~master", "path": "./DerelictImgui/"},
        "derelict-glfw3": "~>1.1.0",
        "derelict-gl3": "~>1.0.12",
        "derelict-sdl2": "~>1.9.7",

    "libs": [ "stdc++" ],

    "stringImportPaths": [

    "linkerFiles": [


sid.a is the library in question.

Any ideas?

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