On Sunday, 1 May 2016 at 19:18:38 UTC, Basile B wrote:
CT make(CT, Alloc, A...)(auto ref Alloc al, A a)

This works. Thank you. Good point about __ctor alone not being sufficient.

    auto memory = al.allocate(size);
...     <snip>
    GC.addRange(memory.ptr, size, typeid(CT));

Nit: "GC.addRange..." -- this attempts to clean memory allocated manually.

The problem is that the template make and emplace() are **elsewhere** so they cannot see A.this() (== A.__ctor).

A common way to fix this kind of problem is to make a template mixin with the template that has the visibility and to mix it in the current scope

I guess this is the best workaround at the moment.

There's a discontinuity between the GC and std.allocators.
"new A(1)" works, because the GC has implicit private access to classes. I would love to see allocators in wider use. Workarounds are an obstacle to this.

Possible solutions:
* Emulate c++'s "friend" keyword somehow. D's rationale eschew's this.
* Somehow designate friendship via [selective] module import?
* Secret upcoming solution from Walter/Andrei. Weren't they discussing some sort of built in ref counting system?

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