Here's the code that doesn't compile:

import std.stdio, std.experimental.ndslice, std.range, std.algorithm;

void main()
        auto alloslice = [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced(1,4);
        auto sandwich = chain(alloslice,

If I comment out the line with the repeat, or allocate the repeat with .array(), everything is fine. I get that the types are incompatible in some way, but it seems like I should be able to lazily instantiate those zeros whenever I need to (later). Should this work? Is there a different way to set up all of the ranges without allocating everything up front?

And yeah, resources aren't particularly limited for my application, so allocating everything wouldn't hurt, but I'm trying to really understand all of these little details about ranges. I love them when they work, but the learning curve has been steep.

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