On 05/17/2016 05:33 PM, Alex wrote:
But, if the slicing is made by means of iota, there is no (at least no
explicit) dependence between the slices, which could be made by
different objects.

How is this dependency expressed with slices?

I'm ready to admit, that the process will work with independent
slicing... In this case, I can omit my void* at all. So, the objects,
which make slices, don't do this from some object, they do this just by
calling iota. But this is little bit contra intuitive, as I imply a
relationship between the sliced parts.

I'm not sure if I understand.

Is the object the void pointer of the slice? If so, you start the slicing from a null pointer, right? There is no real relationship or dependency between the slices then.

Or is the object some class/struct instance that creates a slice? If so, how does it leave a reference to itself in the slice?

So... at the end of the day this implication exists in my head only...

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