On Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 15:09:43 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 15:01:33 UTC, Edwin van Leeuwen wrote:
// I expected AliasSeq!(double,"x")???
pragma(msg,test); // tuple((double), "x")

What Phobos calls AliasSeq is called tuple inside the compiler. They are the same thing, just different names.

That's what I assumed at first.. So why does the following fail with: cannot interpret double at compile time? I assumed staticMap would automatically flatten the resulting AliasSeqs.

import std.meta : AliasSeq, ApplyLeft, staticMap;

struct Point { double x; double y; }

template addType(T,alias name)
alias addType = AliasSeq!( typeof(__traits(getMember, Point, name)),
        name );

alias test3 = addType!( Point, "x" );

// I expected AliasSeq!(double,"x")???
pragma(msg,test3); // tuple((double), "x")

//static assert(is(test == AliasSeq!(double,"x")));
alias ts = AliasSeq!("x","y");
alias addTypeP = ApplyLeft!(addType,Point);
alias mapped = staticMap!(addTypeP,ts);


void main() {

Looking at it now, I guess it is because staticMap does not work with alias values, only with actual type lists. Is that correct? Any ideas on how to do this?

static assert(is(test == AliasSeq!(double,"x")));

AliasSeq is not comparable as a type. You can test the individual pieces of it (`is(test[0] == double) && test[1] == "x"`) or wrap it in a struct or something.

I thought so, but a lot of the documentation does seem to compare it (see the example here):

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