On Friday, 27 May 2016 at 17:49:56 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Friday, 27 May 2016 at 17:37:38 UTC, Andrew Edwards wrote:
    extern (C) class IDirectSound : IUnknown

That should just be `interface IDirectSound : IUnknown`

Thanks for the clarification. That actually compiles but results in access violation at the call site which takes place after verifying that the call to DirectSoundCreate() succeeded:

if (SUCCEEDED(sound.SetCooperativeLevel(window, DSSCL_PRIORITY)))
MessageBoxA(null, "Hott Damn!!", null, MB_ICONINFORMATION);
MessageBoxA(null, "Naaah Man! Dat cyaan wuk!", null, MB_ICONINFORMATION);


    object.Error@(0): Access Violation
    0x00402700 in void sound.initSound(void*) at
    0x004021A2 in int sound.myWinMain(void*, void*, char*, int) at
    0x00402050 in WinMain at
    0x00422B4A in WinMainCRTStartup
    0x76DF3744 in BaseThreadInitTrunk
    0x7721A064 in RtlSetCurrentTransaction
    0x7721A02F in RtlSetCurrentTransaction

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