On Sunday, 29 May 2016 at 09:07:07 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Sunday, May 29, 2016 07:14:12 ParticlePeter via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
Which of the op(Index) operators is responsible for enabling this
kind of syntax?
Would it be possible to get it work with UFCS or would I have to
wrap the array?

std.container.array.Array works with foreach via ranges.

foreach(e; myContainer)

gets lowered to

foreach(e; myContainer[])

which in turn gets lowered to something like

for(auto r = myContainer[]; !r.empty; r.popFront())
    auto e = r.front;

Ranges do not support indices with foreach, and that's why you're not able to get the index with foreach and Array. However, if you use std.range.lockstep, you can wrap a range to get indices with foreach. e.g.

foreach(i, e; lockstep(myContainer[]))


- Jonathan M Davis

Thanks, due to your answer I found a way which is even better for me. I pimped the Array containers with some UFCS functions anyway, one of them returns the array data as a slice and this works nicely with that foreach variant as well

auto data( T )( Array!T array )  {
    if( array.length == 0 ) return null;
    return (&array.front())[ 0..array.length ];

// this works now
foreach( i, a; someArrayContainer.data ) { ... }

- PP

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