When trying to compile the following code I get a compilation error

import std.stdio;

class Info
    final string name() { return nameImpl(); }
    protected abstract string nameImpl();

final class MyInfo : Info
    this() { assert(__ctfe); }
    private __gshared info_ = new MyInfo; // Line 12

    static string name() { return "MyInfo"; }
    protected override string nameImpl() { return name(); }

void main()
    writeln("Hello world!");
source/app.d(12,31): Error: cannot create instance of abstract class MyInfo source/app.d(12,31): function 'string nameImpl()' is not implemented

If I move the info_ static variable declaration after the nameImpl method declaration, there is no error anymore.

Is this normal ? What rule is in play here ? Or is this a compiler bug ?

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