On Sunday, 5 June 2016 at 06:25:28 UTC, HubCool wrote:
But I'd say that the leak doesn't matter. Either the soft has a very small problem that happens once eventually, otherwise it's a big bug and new exceptions will come so often that the program has to be killed immediatly.

auto leakAnoGcException(T, A...)(A a) @nogc
if (is(T: Exception))
    import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator;
    import std.experimental.allocator;
    return make!T(Mallocator.instance, a);
// eventually stores them ona stack that you can free in static ~this()

void main() @nogc
    bool ouch;
class MyException: Exception {this(string m) @nogc {super(m);}}
    try throw leakAnoGcException!MyException("ouch");
catch (Exception e) {ouch = true;/*can dispose here too...*/}

I like your solution, as it doesn't force to allocate exception objects statically, which is a step forward.

On the other hand I don't think that the leak doesn't matter. This would only be the case if one could guarantee that only a small, constant number of exceptions is thrown during program execution. This is not generally the case. Also, exceptions are not necessarily for bugs. There may be used sometimes for bug handling when other things like static typing and assertions are not enough, but bug handling is not the core reason for havi ng exceptions in languages. Exceptions is a control flow construct for use in events which occur rarely (relative to normal execution of surrounding code) and require jumping many levels up the call stack. That's all there is to them. Its not some philosophical concept that depends on the definition of errors or bugs.

Can you elaborate on how to dispose the exception?
I'm partilularly interested in the code you would write in place of the /*can dispose here too...*/ comment.

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