On Tuesday, 7 June 2016 at 02:05:00 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Tuesday, 7 June 2016 at 01:40:01 UTC, your_name wrote:

The way I traced the problem, ironically ;), was to catch Error and print it to screen. It involved dereferencing a null pointer in a thread and an 'assert null this' silently killed the thread leaving me wondering why it didn't produce data. Anyhow, I've had this behavior at least 1 more time but I forgot what exactly it was related to.

Maybe I missed something beyond building a normal -debug version.

Anyways, thanks for your reply :)

Please open an issue - this sounds like a big then.

Exceptions thrown from spawned threads do not, by default, terminate the main thread, so they will not be printed to the screen unless it's done explicitly. See this old forum thread at [1].

Note this quote from Sean Kelley (the original maintainer of DRuntime):

"Oh, I should mention that if you use core.thread explicitly, any unhandled exception will be re-thrown in the context of whoever joins that thread."

[1] http://forum.dlang.org/post/mailman.1153.1344440030.31962.digitalmars-d-le...@puremagic.com

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