On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 05:31:26 UTC, Guido wrote:
It would seem that by running the file through mixin, you can simply create the vars you want in scope. The drawback being random code execution. Is there any way to sanitize mixin code from user-configurable file?

Well it's a configuration file that e.g. the registry has to parse too, hence (as for all config files) random code execution is pretty bad. Apart from that it's just about a small configuration file for the name, title etc. - you don't need a full-blown D interpreter for this.

Imho SDL does a good job at keeping the syntax rather minimal :)

Of course do one stops you to use D to generate a configuration file.

Once that's shot down, does anyone know a .json to .sdl converter program

have a look at `dub convert` - in your case e.g. `dub convert -f sdl`

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