On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 19:52:58 UTC, OpenJelly wrote:
Last time I worked on anything OpenGL in D I was using a Linux machine, and I had to really bend over backward to get set up. I'm using Windows 7 at the moment and I'd like to work on some graphics stuff but I'm pretty lost...

I just want to install an IDE that's not prone to crashing and comes with standard features like D syntax highlighting, code completion, code folding, side bar with my project's directory, integrated console, bindable key commands (build (with dub), run, stop), and some debugging help doesn't hurt but I can get by without being able to set break points... and then I need to get the right libs and bindings in order nut half of them I can't figure out the instructions for.

What I've been trying to do for the past few hours is set up SublimeText3 with dub and get the derelictGLFW3 binding to work, but I can't even get dkit working, and I'd honestly rather be using code::blocks but I've had trouble getting D code completion working in that before, and while I could probably get SFML bindings to work (as their documentation caters to idiots like me), I don't really want to use it, I just want something small that handles an OpenGL window without the other stuff.

If anyone's got a solid setup and can explain to me like I'm 5 how they got it all nice, that'd really help me out a lot. Thanks.

I notice the ST3 plugin was a bit... flaky the last time I tried it (admittedly about 6 months ago).

I ended up settling on vim with a few plugins (and live without auto-complete, it's not that important for me), but when I was using GUI text editors, I settled on VS Code with the code-d plugin. Its autocomplete etc worked pretty much out of the box for me.


Make sure you follow the 'dependencies' section of code-d through though to get your env set up. It worked outta the box for me, on both windows and linux.

You can get VS Code to compile via ctrl+B (I think that was the shortcut) but you've to make a modification to a json file to tell it to do it.

If you need more help let me know and I'll write up something proper for you.


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