I wanted to switch to std.container.Array but it doesn't seem to mimic [] for some odd ball reason. I threw this class together and it seems to work.

The only problem is that I can't do

carray.length -= 1;

I can't override `-=` because that is on the class. can I override it for length somehow or do I have to create a length wrapper class that has it overridden in it? Or is there a way to do it in cArray?

Basically I want to support code that does something like

auto x = [];
x.length -= 1;

and not have to rewrite that to x.length = x.length - 1;

public class cArray(T)
        Array!T data;
        public void assumeSafeAppend() { };

        public @property int length()
                return data.length;

        public @property int length(int len)
                for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                return data.length;

        ref T opIndex(int i) { return data[i]; }
@property int opDollar(size_t dim : 0)() { return data.length; }

        this() { data = Array!T(); }

        int opApply(int delegate(ref T) dg)
        int result = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
            result = dg(data[i]);
            if (result)
        return result;

        int opApplyReverse(int delegate(ref T) dg)
        int result = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
            result = dg(data[i]);
            if (result)
        return result;

        void opOpAssign(string op)(T d)
                if (op == "~")
                        data ~= d;

        bool canFind(T)(T d)
                for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
                        if (data[i] == d)
                                return true;
                return false;

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