On 6/20/16 11:01 PM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Monday, 20 June 2016 at 19:39:42 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 6/20/16 12:29 PM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Monday, 20 June 2016 at 16:16:32 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
What is the OS support for waitid
(http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/waitpid.2.html)? Seems to have
support for async waiting of multiple processes (at least it can
return immediately if no child has exited). One consideration is how
responsive you need to be to a process exiting -- is it ok for example
to be notified 500ms after the process exits? If so, you can
interleave timed waits for socket data with a check to see if any
process exits. I've done this in the past for such things. I don't
know how well this works for libevent though.

std.process has tryWait() if polling were acceptable, but I would really
like to avoid it. Or have I misunderstood?

tryWait works on a single PID. From my reading of the docs, it appears
you can call waitid and no matter how many children you have, if one
exits, then it will capture that.

Ah, OK. But then so does SIGCHLD, asynchronously.

But not where you need it to be handled :) This is the reason for the "self pipe trick" that you use.

I'll note that waitid actually isn't needed, you can do waitpid(-1, ...) and it waits for any process. I didn't realize that before.

It would be nice if the Linux wait mechanisms were all standardized
similar to Windows. I think the only thing that allows such universal
access is file descriptors. Processes are definitely a case where it's
not easy to deal with the events. Signal handlers suck as an async

It's really not that hard. It's just that no one bothered to implement
this correctly in Vibe. Process or signal handling does not seem to be a
Vibe.d driver primitive.

Signals interrupt blocking calls such as select/poll. Even if you don't
have a signal handler registered, you could in theory call tryWait or
similar on every process ID you're waiting on in an event loop idle
handler. It's not very efficient, of course, and degrades poorly as the
number of processes and events grows.

Only if you handle the signal in that thread.

You can also register a signal handler, and just ping a socket pair
(unmanaged on one side, managed by the event loop on the other). This is
what I do in ae.

Yeah, probably the right thing to do is a signal handler that reaps all terminated processes, putting the data into the pipe/socket.

As I recently learned, there's also signalfd. With that, had Vibe.d had
a primitive to wrap a file descriptor into a stream it can manage, it
would be as simple as reading from it. But it doesn't seem to have one
so I guess you need to use createFileDescriptorEvent and the raw C
read() function.

Hm... I hadn't heard of this. Some seem to think that creates its own problems, but I don't know if SIGCHLD is one of them since that's blocked by default: https://ldpreload.com/blog/signalfd-is-useless

But my point was that you can poll on every start of event loop, and
handle process exits if they are ready, and then every 500ms or so if
no i/o becomes ready. In practice, this should be pretty responsive,
unless you are only doing process execution and no i/o. And half
second delay between process exit and handling of result is pretty
small even in that case.

Sure, but to be honest that's nothing but an ugly hack. :) Even if not
for the 500ms delay - every bit adds up, and timers are much worse than
event handling on e.g. mobile devices than servers, because they incur a
CPU wake-up and then end up doing nothing most of the time.

What are you doing spawning child processes on a mobile device? :)


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