On Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 13:47:01 UTC, Gerald wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 12:57:51 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:
widget.getStyleContext().listClasses() to get a list of all classes assigned to the widget. If you just want to see if a specific class is assigned to the widget you can use widget.getStyleContext().hasClass()

Thanks a lot for your answer. Do you know how i can get the first classname as string from the widget? I don't understand how the return type 'GList' is organized.

ListG has a D specific method called toArray that allows you to convert it to a typed array, so you could use it in this case to get a string[] out of it.


"Type T wraps should match the type of the data"

Does string match the type of the data? What is the type of the data? How do i tell the function that i want the Array as a string array? I am not familiar with Types and what 'TC' or 'T' is, i am afraid.

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