On Friday, 24 June 2016 at 03:16:58 UTC, Meta wrote:
On Friday, 24 June 2016 at 03:10:51 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Oh, perhaps I misunderstood your question. Do you meant this:

class Foo() {
   void bar() { Log(); }  // Pass reference to Foo instance

void doSomething() { Log(); } // Null reference

If so, the answer is no. And I don't see how that could work as a compile time parameter, given that the reference itself is a runtime value.

It actually is possible. You just have to be explicit.

void log(alias self)(string s)
        pragma(msg, self.stringof);

struct Test
        void test(string s)

void main()
        Test t;

I don't want to be explicit! One can be explicit with __FILE__ too but one doesn't have to be.

I don't care if it's null.

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