On Wednesday, 8 June 2016 at 23:19:13 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
I do have (Steinberg) ASIO binding in D.

The problem is I couldn't release the bindings. I've asked Steinberg if it was OK to release D bindings and they were strongly against it unfortunately (and this was over 3 years ago..).

Any kind of direct use of ASIO requires their approval first.. meaning you had to register on their website.

I would recommend using third party libs that abstract the underlying engine, like PortAudio or RtAudio (the later of which I'm going to release a port of soon!).

I had a binding to PortAudio but the devs of that library insisted on only supporting interleaved audio, RtAudio supports both interleaved and non-interleaved audio, and the library is easy to port.

Any news on this?

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