On 07/11/2016 07:33 AM, Bahman Movaqar wrote:
> On 07/11/2016 06:30 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> Untested, but you could try MySt[][string].init.
> That did it.  Thanks.
>> But passing empty AA by value sometimes can be surprising. I'm not sure
>> if it will work.
> Could you elaborate more?

Both AAs and slices behave like reference types even when passed by value: When a function adds an element, the argument sees that element as well. This is not the case when the argument is an empty (more correctly, null) AA or slice:

void foo(string[int] aa) {
    aa[1] = "one";

void main() {
    string[int] a;
    assert(a is null);
    // The last result would be different if 'a' were not null
    // before calling 'foo'.

    string[int] b;
    b[0] = "zero";
    assert(b[0] == "zero");
    assert(b[1] == "one");


P.S. There is std.array.assocArray if you already have a range of tuples at hand:


P.P.S. There is std.algorithm.fold, which works with range chaining (unlike reduce, which was designed before ranges):


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