On Tuesday, 12 July 2016 at 17:17:31 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
On Tuesday, 12 July 2016 at 16:30:05 UTC, Adam Sansier wrote:
Doesn't matter, it's not what I asked.

Yeah, I'm not confident I understood your problem right. You can try to describe your problem better.


1. At most 2 one parameter functions be used, one that takes an int and the other a wstring. 2. They must be overloadable and allow for a literal string type to be passed for the wstring function. This prevents basic templates and variant techniques.
3. No duplication of code.
4. The wstring function only exists to find the index for the argument passed. It cannot do this without the int function being called first, as it initializes or gets data that cannot be done more than once. This forces some type of "break" in the flow of the int function.

suppose you have two functions and only two functions.

void Do(int i)
    // stuff 1
    // stuff 2 (uses i)

void Do(wstring s)
    // stuff 1
    // converts s to i, the same i that is used in Do(int)
    // stuff 2 (uses i)

Obviously stuff 1 and stuff 2 are duplicates. stuff 1 does not not use i or s. stuff 2 does not use s.

The question is how to optimally, in terms of code duplication, reduce Do(string) so it does no extra work.

There are ways, obviously. But to satisfy the complete criteria is the hard part.

I could probably use some goto statements and asm to accomplish this, but probably quite a bit of work and tricky

void Do(wstring s)
// get i from s (a simple search), no big deal, a comment suffices

// create function call to (setup stack, modify first stack parameter, which is i, to use our new i
   goto Doi;

void Do(int i)
   // stuff 1
   label Doi;
   // stuff 2

The goto bypasses stuff1 in Do(int), and sets up i with the new value. This method would work but is a hack, not portable, etc. It is essentially the same idea as the yield I proposed, but less robust. A yield and continue construct would hide all the details and do something similar.

Again, this isn't about how to accomplish some goal, but how to accomplish it given the criteria/restraints proposed. It's a no brainier to do without the constraints.

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