On Friday, 15 July 2016 at 12:05:47 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 07/15/2016 10:29 AM, maik klein wrote:

Sure. Just instantiate Rc with a const/immutable T. I.e., write `Rc!(const int)` instead of `const Rc!int`. Or with auto and makeRc: `auto rc = makeRc(immutable int(5));`.


When you pass an rvalue to a function, the parameter inside the function is still an lvalue. The argument being an rvalue just means that you can't pass it in a ref parameter.


Ok, not being copyable is the problem.


If args[0] can be moved, can args[1] and args[2] be moved, too? I mean, can you just move everything without testing for hasElaborateCopyConstructor? Just a thought.

Thanks I didn't know that you could have type qualifiers inside templates, D still surprises me sometimes.

I don't think it is practical to call move on "everything", for example maybe you just want to pass a `ref` or a `class`.

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