On 7/19/16 8:23 AM, celavek wrote:
On Tuesday, 19 July 2016 at 09:57:27 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta wrote:
On Tuesday, 19 July 2016 at 09:42:40 UTC, celavek wrote:

Works for me:

size_t[char] counts;
const string dna_chain =
counts['A'] = countchars(dna_chain, "A");

It was failing for me as I was using "countchars!". I thought that I
should use the "!" in order to instantiate a template in D. I'm still
confused why it is working without the "!". Anyway the compiler message
was not very helpful.


Check out the section a little bit down that talks about implicitly deduced template parameters.


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