On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 01:48:31 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Take a read of this:
The short of it is don't mixin stringof. Instead, mixin the
actual template itself.
The functionLinkage might need to be string, but the types
should remain literal. So try this:
mixin("alias Func = extern("~functionLinkage!Q~")
(ReturnType!Q) function (Erase!(Parameters!Q));");
or something like that - don't concatenate strings of those,
just make the string itself still say ReturnType!Q etc when you
mix in. Then the scope will be correct.
Thanks, it did work with some modification:
mixin("alias Func = extern("~functionLinkage!Q~") ReturnType!Q
No parenthesis around ReturnType or strange errors happen.