On Saturday, 23 July 2016 at 14:15:03 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta wrote:
On Saturday, 23 July 2016 at 13:18:03 UTC, Rufus Smith wrote:
Trying to compare a *ptr value with a value in nogc code results in the error:

Error: @nogc function '...' cannot call non-@nogc function 'object.opEquals'

Shouldn't object opEquals be marked?

If object.opEquals is marked @nogc, than all D classes must implement it as @nogc, because (of course) you cannot override a @nogc method with a not-@nogc one (while the opposite is possible, of course). So marking it @nogc is not only a big breaking change, but also very limiting.

Um, this isn't right. GC code can always call non-gc code.

If you mark opEquals nogc, it breaks nothing except implementations of opEquals that use the GC. GC code can still call it nogc opequals, it only enforces opEquals code to avoid the GC itself, which isn't a terrible thing.

What is terrible is that nogc code can never have any equality comparisons! It is impossible unless one manually tests them, but how? Every method would be brittle. Do a memory test? compare element by element? One can't predict what to do.

So, you are trying off laziness to break nogc. As it stands, if nogc code can't compare equality, it is broken and useless. Why put it in the language then?

struct S(T)
   @nogc void test(T t1, T t2)
      if (t1 == t2) return true;
      return false;

Broke! Even if opEquals of T does not use any GC we can't write test to be nogc, which means we can't have S be nogc or anything that depends on S that is nogc. This must be a dirty trick played by the implementors of nogc to keep everyone on the gc nipple?

Equality comparison is more fundamental than the GC in programming. There is no fundamental reason why equality comparison depends on the GC.

All I can hope for now is that there is a robust way to compare that I can use that is marked nogc. Else all my nogc code is broke. I guess one has this problem with all opOp's!

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