On 07/28/2016 12:38 AM, Dechcaudron wrote:
Giving my 20 votes to the issue (are votes even taken into account?). At
least now I know the source of attribute-enforcements breakdown is
basically delegate management. That should help me out enough so I don't
have this issue anymore.

Thanks a bunch. Can I get your votes on that issue?

As far as I know, no one cares much about votes. I'm not going to bother with them. This being a pretty serious accepts-invalid bug, it needs fixing regardless of votes.

And unfortunately there are even more important/urgent bugs. There are 37 open dmd regressions [1], and 158 open wrong-code bugs [2]. Maybe not all of them are more important than the bug at hand, but a good bunch probably are.

If voting did anything, I'd put everything into issues 15862 [3] and 16292 [4]. 15862 is a ridiculous wrong-code bug with pure nothrow functions. 16292 is a rejects-valid regression that is a blocking a toy project of mine (already has a pull request).

[1] https://issues.dlang.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=regression&component=dmd&list_id=209764&query_format=advanced&resolution=--- [2] https://issues.dlang.org/buglist.cgi?component=dmd&keywords=wrong-code&keywords_type=allwords&list_id=209765&query_format=advanced&resolution=---
[3] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15862
[4] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16292

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