Consider this short program:

void main()
    alias S = float;
    S s1 = 0x1.24c92ep+5;
    S s2 = -0x1.1c71c8p+0;

    import std.math : std_pow = pow;
    import core.stdc.stdio : printf;
    import core.stdc.math: powf;

    printf("std: %a\n", std_pow(s1, s2));
    printf("pow: %a\n", s1 ^^ s2);
    printf("pow: %a\n", powf(s1, s2));

        import ldc.intrinsics : llvm_pow;
        printf("ldc: %a\n", llvm_pow(s1, s2));

std: 0x1.2c155ap-6
pow: 0x1.2c155ap-6
powf: 0x1.2c1558p-6

As you can see below the C powf compiles to the assembly powf and LDC compiles to powf too. The output of std.math.pow is rather large, hence not listed.

1) Is this a bug in Phobos or just a very annoying "feature"?
2) I thought that DMD was decoupled from Phobos? So I was very astonished to see that it's not (see [1])


.text._Dmain    segment
        assume  CS:.text._Dmain
                push    RBP
                mov     RBP,RSP
                sub     RSP,010h
                movss   XMM0,FLAT:.rodata[00h][RIP]
                movss   -8[RBP],XMM0
                movss   XMM1,FLAT:.rodata[00h][RIP]
                movss   -4[RBP],XMM1
                movss   XMM1,-4[RBP]
                movss   XMM0,-8[RBP]
                call      powf@PC32
                cvtss2sd        XMM0,XMM0
                mov     EDI,offset FLAT:.rodata@32
                mov     AL,1
                call      printf@PC32
                xor     EAX,EAX
                add     0[RCX],AL
.text._Dmain    ends

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