On 8/2/16 2:09 PM, Etranger wrote:

I'm trying to use the module core.checkedint, but I have a problem and I
don't know if it is a bug or me.

This simple program compiles well in debug mode with dmd, but give me an
error when I compile in release mode: Error: function
core.checkedint.muls cannot inline function

import core.checkedint;

void main()
  ulong a = 1;
  ulong b =2;
  bool ovf;
  muls(a, b, ovf);

PS: it compiles with ldc2

Thanks for your help !

Bug. Please file: https://issues.dlang.org

mulu also cannot be inlined.

I'm curious how it passes unit tests, since druntime is compiled in release/inline mode.


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