I'm writing a Total Commander plugin, which has the "wdx" file extension, so I wish to let dub generate xxx.wdx directly but not xxx.dll.

How can I write my file to achieve this goal?


my dub.json:

    "name": "tckeyex",
    "targetType": "dynamicLibrary",
    "description": "A minimal D application.",
    "copyright": "Copyright 2016, idtong",
    "authors": ["idtong"],
    "sourceFiles": ["source/app.def"],
    "dependencies": {
        "wind": { "path": "thirdparty/wind" }

and my build script:

@echo off

call makeversion.bat

dub build -b release
copy /y tckeyex.dll tckeyex.wdx

dub build -b release -a x86_64
copy /y tckeyex.dll tckeyex.wdx64

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