On 8/15/16 3:31 PM, Engine Machine wrote:
Suppose I have a templated type like

struct S(T) { int x; static if (T is Y) int y; }

I would like to be able to create a reference to S(T) for any T,

struct Q
  S!* s; // Can hold any type of S.

and be able to access s.x, since it is common to all S.

Can D do anything like this? It is sort of like runtime inheritance, but
at the compile time level.

I don't think so. You'd have to cast, as the compiler doesn't have any understanding that all S instantiations will have an x member.

I do not want to have to cast to S!T every time just to access x, e.g.,

struct Q
   Object s;

which is too general as s can be things that are not of type S!*.

This seems odd. You will lose the type information for s if you were to succeed. Might as well just store an int.

Seems like what you want is a variant or some other kind of tagged union.


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