I have a template that is suppose to create a type based on a template parameter

static if (T == "int")
   auto x = New!int();
else static if (T == "double")
   auto x = New!double();

x = 1.234;

This is just an example, I use custom types.

The static if's prevent x's scope from being after them, even though it should work perfectly fine. I can't declare x before because I don't know the type.

The point is that I don't want to have to put x = 1.234; in each static if block when I should be able to do it perfectly fine afterwards.

My types that I'm creating all have a name field and I want to set it once after the object is created.

Luckily, all of them inherit from the same type and I can declare that before the static if block, but in general, that won't work.

I feel that in this case I feel that the scope of the static if should allow things to escape since, well, they are static if's. It would be similar to #ifdef.

I realize that D doesn't work this way, I'm asking for a nicer solution than having to duplicate the same code(x = 1.234 in this example) or having use a base class.

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