On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 08:08:34 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
On 07/09/2016 8:06 PM, Andre Pany wrote:

Should I open an enhancement request?

It works outside of the function (part of lookup rules).

I simplified my example too much. Yes in the example above I can move the alias
outside the main function. Here is a more complex example.

As I use the input parameter args in the alias, I cannot move the alias outside
the main function.

import std.algorithm;
bool fulfillsKeyPredicate(string s, string t) {return true;}

void main(string[] args)
alias keyPredicateFilter = filter!(e => e.fulfillsKeyPredicate(args[0]));
        string[] arr;

Is there a workaround? Or is still a valid scenario to change the lookup rules?

Kind regards

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