On 09/09/2016 12:24 AM, lobo wrote:
I am confused, which is normal, but I'd appreciate some help :-)

If I create N classes in a for loop they are all the same instance. I
would expect each to be a unique instance of the class. See the code below


class C {}
void main() {
    import std.stdio;

    auto c1 = new C();
    writefln("c1:%s", &c1); // OK, instance c1 is unique

    auto c2 = new C(); // OK, instance c2 is unqiue
    writefln("c2:%s", &c2);

    foreach(a; 0..10) {

        C c = new C(); // All instances are the same object with the
same address?
        writefln("c:%s", &c);


This isn't what I expected. What could I be doing wrong?


Well for starters C is already a pointer ;)
cast(void*) should do the trick not &.

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