On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 07:55:36 orip via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> I get "Error: mismatched function return type inference" errors
> with choosing the return type for functions that work on ranges
> using, e.g, std.algorithm or std.range functions, but have
> different behavior based on runtime values. The return type is
> always a range with the same underlying type.
> Here's an example:
> auto foo(int[] ints) {
>    import std.range;
>    if (ints.length > 10) {
>      return chain(ints[0..5], ints[8..$]);
>    } else {
>      //return ints; // Error: mismatched function return type
> inference of int[] and Result
>      return chain(ints[0..0], ints[0..$]); // This workaround
> compiles
>    }
> }
> Is there a compatible return type that can be used, or some other
> workaround?
> I couldn't find one when searching for the error or looking at
> the phobos source code.
> Thanks! orip

You're workaround is basically doing what you need to do. A function can
only return one type. The fact that both return statements are returning
ranges over the same kind of elements is irrelevant. They have to be
_exactly_ the same type. So, either you need to convert the range for the
first return statement into int[] so that it matches the second (e.g. by
calling array on the result or just using ~), or you need to call chain on
two int[]s for the second return statement so that it matches the first.

The second option (which your workaround does) is better if you don't intend
to convert the result to an array, since it avoids allocating an array, but
if you're just going to convert the result to int[] anyway, the first option
would be better.

Regardless, you can't have a function returning different types from
different return statements - even with auto. The compiler needs to know
exactly what the return type is whether you type it or not; auto just
infers it for you rather than requiring you to type it out.

- Jonathan M Davis

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