On Friday, 28 October 2016 at 14:31:47 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Friday, 28 October 2016 at 13:50:24 UTC, Alfred Newman wrote:

It boils down to something like:

if (c in _accent)
  return _accent[c];
  return c;

Just a normal lambda (condition true) ? yes : no;

I'd recommend you to use Marc's approach, though.

What you basically do is you pass the logic on to `map` and `map` applies it to each item in the range (cf. [1]):


or (more idiomatic)


This is true of a lot of functions, or rather templates, in the Phobos standard library, especially functions in std.algorithm (like find [2], canFind, filter etc.). In this way, instead of writing for-loops with if-else statements, you pass the logic to be applied within the `!()`-part of the template.

// Filter the letter 'l'
auto result = "Hello, world!".filter!(a => a != 'l'); // returns "Heo, word!"

However, what is returned is not a string. So this won't work:

`writeln("Result is " ~ result);`

// Error: incompatible types for (("Result is ") ~ (result)): 'string' and
// 'FilterResult!(__lambda2, string)'

It returns a `FilterResult`.

To fix this, you can either write:
import std.conv;
auto result = "Hello, world!".filter!(a => a != 'l').to!string;
which converts it into a string.

or you do this:

import std.array;
auto result = "Hello, world!".filter!(a => a != 'l').array;

Then you have a string again and

writeln("Result is " ~ result);

Just bear that in mind, because you will get the above error sometimes. Marc's example is idiomatic D and you should become familiar with it asap.

void main()
    auto str = "très élégant";
    immutable accents = unicode.Diacritic;
    auto removed = str
        // normalize each character
// replace each diacritic with its non-diacritic counterpart
        .filter!(c => !accents[c])
        // convert each item in FilterResult back to string.
    writeln(removed);  // prints "tres elegant"

[1] http://dlang.org/phobos/std_algorithm_iteration.html#.map
[1] http://dlang.org/phobos/std_algorithm_searching.html#.find

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