On Monday, 31 October 2016 at 04:35:35 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:
I am fascinated with D's module static this.

I have shamelessly stolen Ali's code directly from his book.

module cat;

static this() {
// ... the initial operations of the module ...
static ~this() {
// ... the final operations of the module ...

First, are there any other languages that has this feature? The few I know, certainly don't.

Object Pascal has them:

unit foo; // like a D module.


// declarations...,
// like the content of a C/C++ *.h/*.hpp


// implementation like the content of a C/C++ *.c/*.cpp

// statements...
// like in a D static this(){}

// statements...
// like in a D static ~this(){}

Actually without them a lot of stuffs wouldn't work properly.
They are more used than their D equivalent, particularly to
register classes for the object streaming system but not only.

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