On Monday, 7 November 2016 at 18:42:37 UTC, Picaud Vincent wrote:
template isIntegralConstant(ANY)
enum bool isIntegralConstant=__traits(identifier,ANY)=="IntegralConstant";

A bit more elegant way of doing that would be:

enum isIntegralConstant(T) = is(T : IntegralConstant!U, U...);

I would be very graceful for any help/advice that explains the right way to implement C++ std::integral_constant<T,T value> in the D language.


Now the question is, do you really need IntegralConstant? I've never used it in C++ so I don't really know any of the use cases for it. But generally in D if you need something to be a compile time constant value you can just use "enum". It can be any type as well, so long as it can be evaluated at compile time.

enum long someConstant = 1 << 32;

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