On Thursday, 10 November 2016 at 17:12:32 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, November 10, 2016 15:46:11 Picaud Vincent via Digitalmars-d- learn wrote:

Honestly, I'm surprised that the compiler let you alias
std.algorithm.comparison.min, because it's a templated function, and in the case of templates, you alias instantiations of templates, not the templates themselves. std.algorithm.comparison.min is just a template for a function,
not an actual function. Something like
std.algorithm.comparison.min!(int, int) would be an actual function.


Hi Jonathan,

I just read your answer, thank you a lot
Unfortunately I have not the time right now to answer (I am leaving my job it is 6:53PM).
I will answer later.
However I just created a github repo to reproduce my observations:


It is certainly a compiler problem: I used gdc -> compile error, but with dmd it compiles and runs fine. Full details in the git repo.

More answers later... I have to leave

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