On Thursday, 24 November 2016 at 09:52:32 UTC, Jot wrote:
Using vibe D. designed to update dmd to latest and then I now get the following errors:

Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std6format12arrayPtrDiffFNaNbNiNexAvxAvZi
Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std5stdio4File17LockingTextWriter7handle_MFNdNeZPS4core4stdc5stdio6_iobuf (@property @trusted core.stdc.stdio._iobuf* std.stdio.File.LockingTextWriter.handle_())
Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std8datetime7SysTime6toHashMxFNaNbNiNfZk

when I clean the solution I eventually end up with a bunch more errors.

Symbol Undefined _D3std6random109__T21MersenneTwisterEngineTkVki32Vki624Vki397Vki31Vki2567483615Vki11Vki7Vki263691417EDFC9546C199E5D72A199057D68B

Symbol Undefined _D3std5regex8internal6parser7CodeGen8popFixupMFZk (uint std.regex.internal.parser.CodeGen.popFixup())

Symbol Undefined _D3std5regex8internal6parser7CodeGen13genNamedGroupMFAyaZv (void std.regex.internal.parser.CodeGen.genNamedGroup(immutable(char)[]))

Symbol Undefined _D3std5regex8internal6parser7CodeGen6lengthMFNdZk (@property uint std.regex.internal.parser.CodeGen.length())


Seems like someone decided to screw up a lot of people by removing a lot of stuff ;/ I guess I should learn my lesson about assuming a "stable" dmd release won't completely kill my project.

those are internal symbols, meaning that it's very (like 99% certain, unless you or one of your dependencies is manually redeclaring those symbols using their mangled names) likely that the cause is that something, somewhere, hasn't been cleaned properly.

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