On Tuesday, 29 November 2016 at 10:21:24 UTC, Anders S wrote:
Hi guys,

just started to get into Dlang, comming from C and C++ I like to use methods like there if possible.

Now I want to catenate something like this, but don't get it to work
in standard C i code:
   char str[80];
   sprintf(str, "This is a number = %f", 3.14356);

Now in Dlang and import core.stdc.string and
    char [80] str;
    sprintf(str, "This is a number = %d", 314356);
    writefln("%s", str);

sprintf(str.ptr, "This is a number = %d".toStringz,314356);

but get error
Error: function core.stdc.stdio.sprintf (char* s, const(char*) format, ...) is not callable using argument types (char[80], string, int)

because in D arrays do not decay to pointers. To get a null terminated string use toStringz

Nor does this work
   char [50] temp = "This is a number";
   string greeting5= temp~" "~314356;

add a to!string


result in error:
Error: incompatible types for ((cast(const(char)[])temp ~ " ") ~ (314356)): 'char[]' and 'int'

Any ideas or hints?

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