On 03/12/2016 9:55 PM, dan wrote:
In c, you can have code like this:

static void wtest( void ) {
  int f;
  while ( ( f = some_val( ) ) ) {
    printf(" our value is now: %d\n", f );

gcc compiles this without warning or error (at least if you use the
double parentheses to assure the compiler that you realize you are
testing an assignment, not a comparison).

I would like to do the same thing in d, something like this:

private void wtest( ) {
  int f;
  while ( ( f = some_val( ) ) ) {
    writeln(" our value is now: ", f );

or even better:

private void wtest( ) {
  while ( ( auto f = some_val( ) ) ) {
    writeln(" our value is now: ", f );

This however does not work, and the gdc compiler says "assignment cannot
be used as a condition, perhaps == was meant?"

I don't absolutely have to do it this way, as i guess i could do 'while
(true) {...' and then break if the assignment returns zero.

But i really, really would like to use the idiom of assigning a value
from inside a while condition.

Is it possible to do this?  Perhaps with extra braces or something, like
while ( {something here} ) { .... } ?

TIA for any pointers or advice.


If you can use another compiler do so, gdc is on an old frontend/Phobos now. I recommend ldc or you know the reference compiler dmd if performance/platform isn't an issue (not that dmd can't produce decent codegen).

This does compile:

int func() {
        return 0;       

void main() {
        int x;
        while((x = func()) != 0) {

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