Some DirectX methods return structs by value, but when I try calling them I either get garbage or an access violation.

Usually COM methods return structs by pointer as a parameter, but these are returning the struct as the actual return value, as in this definition:

  struct D2D1_SIZE_F { float width, height; }

  interface ID2D1Bitmap : ID2D1Image {
    D2D1_SIZE_F GetSize();

If I rewrite GetSize to return by pointer as a parameter, it appears to work and I get the correct width and height without an AV being thrown. And I can add a helper method that returns by value:

  interface ID2D1Bitmap : ID2D1Image {
    void GetSize(D2D1_SIZE_F* size);

    final D2D1_SIZE_F GetSize() {
      D2D1_SIZE_F size;
      return size;

But does anyone know why the original definition works in C++ but not D? Is it a bug? (I'm compiling with -m64.)

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