On Tuesday, 6 December 2016 at 22:23:25 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Tuesday, 6 December 2016 at 22:13:54 UTC, bpr wrote:
Those programmers who are comfortable working in a GC-ed language will likely eschew D because D's GC is really not that great.

So someone working with Ruby is not going to want to work with D because of GC performance?

Ruby programmers are probably not concerned with performance at all ever. It's a slow interpreted language with a GIL. But if you're on a Rails project, that's what you'll use.

If I really *want* to use a GC, say I'm writing a server and I believe that a well tuned GC will allow my server to stay alive much longer with less fragmentation, I'll probably skip D and pick Go or maybe (hmmm...) even Java because their GCs have had a lot of engineering effort.

I wonder what percentage of Ruby programmers have thought about garbage collection ever.

Why would a Ruby or Python programmer unconcerned with performance want to switch to D? I'm sure there are some who would, but I'd imagine they're rare.

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